25 September, 2006

Not On Bressay Yet

Sorry about the second one. The drawing of Judith was too big to fit all of it in the scanner at once.

23 September, 2006

Y Control

Sketches about a lonely young woman with an imaginary friend.

22 September, 2006

21 September, 2006


Just this today, I'm afraid.

20 September, 2006

Lightnin' Bar Blues

This second drawing I did entirely for my own personal amusement. It's a kind of copy of this from explodingdog.


18 September, 2006

The Albion Sails On Course

Only two pages today because I've spent most of my spare time drawing a giant map for David.

16 September, 2006

Dirk; Advertising Icon

Many thanks to thesurrealist.co.uk and their "advertising slogan generator".

Also to whoever took the photo (I took it from Marjolein's Bebo).

And last but not least, Walls, for creating an icecream with such a funny name.

15 September, 2006

14 September, 2006

Slow day.

George drew the mushroom; I animated it. But it's not working. Sorry.

13 September, 2006


Last Night

There's a red tray on my desk which steadily fills up with drawings, sketches and doodles. They stay there until the tray gets so full that I have to empty it, sometimes into the bin, sometimes by giving my brother or sister any pictures they want. Last night I realised that a blog would be an easy way to show these drawings to my friends, family, or anyone else who's interested enough to look, and maybe get some comments or feedback on them, too.


Ignore these. They're just pattern templates:

Marjolein and David

Sketched in pencil and coloured in Painter IX.5


I've been trying some stuff out in Pixen (a free program for Mac). Pixels are Old School.