15 December, 2009

More line tests

Another one. His wife still needs animating, but she'll bring him a cup of coffee.

Production is underway!

Not quite officially, but I've already started drawing. Here's a line test for one of the early scenes. I've got a few more ready now, and then I'll try to keep updating as the film progresses.

02 November, 2009


A sketch I quickly (about 45 minutes) filled in as a photoshop excersise.

29 October, 2009

Jičín TV spot

Oh, if anyone was wondering what happened to all those cartoony fairytale characters I was drawing, this is the finished spot. In the end I couldn't stay in Zlin long enough to the animation, but another girl from my class at school was kind enough to put in the hours and get in finished in time.

28 Weeks Later...


Ok, summer's over, my thesis film's been approved for production and the budget's almost finalised. All being well I'll sign the production contract next week and we'll be able to start work. In the meantime, here's some concept work and a pencil test:

07 June, 2009


Sorry again about the quality

And some hand studies:

31 May, 2009

More Character Designs

Sorry about the quality, I took the pictures with a webcam. Anyway, I'm just playing around with ideas for different fairytale characters. They're intentionally cute, since the spot is for a festival aimed mainly at young children, but some of the designs are maybe a bit too cute.

25 May, 2009

This week

Some character designs for a tv spot we're going to animate.

And a school excercise: comic strip on the theme "hunt". I let myself get a bit carried away with this one. It still needs colouring, or at least some toning, but I don't have time right now.

01 March, 2009

Latest Gummage

Some bits and pieces:

Here's a doodle (portrait of the artist as an old man)

And here's some pixels, my latest hobby