10 December, 2011

Apex Project - Part 2

Just finished work on the animated short for a project with the Apex hotel chain. The video will be officially launched online early next year, but for now here are some screenshots. Sorcha unfortunately left the project, so I ended up completing  it on my own. The shooting was done in seven days in the studio, and I made the film with as little post-production as possible, since our original concept was to focus on the fact that we were interacting with the same physical object that hotel customers would find in their bathrooms. The animation process actually ended up being more of an exercise in special effects than anything else - I spent more than half the studio time on the snowing section. Lighting the scene was also a challenge, as I wanted the light to be bright enough to erase the gap between the platform and the backdrop, but not so bright as to erase detail on the duck or cause multiple strong shadows. The solution I came up with wasn't perfect, but time restraints meant that it had to do.

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